Farmina N&D functional quai digestion lamb dry cat food


The Farmina N&D Functional Quinoa Digestion Lamb is a high-quality dry cat food that is designed to help your cat digest and absorb nutrients better. This cat food is made with quinoa, which is a superfood that is rich in protein and healthy fats. The lamb is also seasoned with rosemary and black pepper, which give it a delicious flavor. The Farmina N&D Functional Quinoa Digestion Lamb is perfect for any cat owner who wants to improve the health and well-being of their cat.

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  • The product is made by Farmina
  • It is a dry cat food that is meant to be eaten as a treat
  • The company that makes it, Farmina, also makes other pet products
  • The product comes in a variety of sizes and flavors
  • It can be used to treat stomach problems in cats