Rawhide Dog Chew 5-6″ inches, 100% Natural Beef Hides


Brand: 123 Treats

The best-selling brand name in the world of dog treats is 123 Treats. We offer a wide range of products for all life stages including dry dog food, wet dog food, training treats, chews for adults and puppies, and even fish and bird food. Our products are made with 100% natural ingredients and our manufacturing process includes no artificial colors or flavors.

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  • The product is made of 100% natural beef hides.
  • It is meant to be chewed by dogs.
  • It can provide your dog with stimulation and relief from anxiety.
  • It helps keep their teeth clean and strong, and also prevents them from damaging other items.
  • It is important to supervise your dog while they’re eating it, because some dogs can have issues with it.